Monday, January 2, 2012

Girls: What do you think this girl is telling me?

I'd suspect she's unsure of her feelings as of this point. She may have some ideas about a relationship, but is conflicted as to their validity. If you are interested in more than just friendship with her, I'd suggest a light-hearted way of letting her know. By no means am I suggesting mind games or hints; something more along the lines of privately and casually letting her know you'd like to try that kiss again without the alcohol and without it being a display. Be confident about the whole thing and she should feed off your confidence. Don't hesitate or wait for her permission. Say it then do it, if she moves quickly and stops you then she is not into the relationship idea and you should respect that. If she allows it, give it your best and continue to keep your hands around her waist when you are done unless she pulls away. Your actions will tell her everything she may be questioning and visa versa. If she is receptive, but then feels the need to distance herself from you, don't be alarmed. She may need time to evaluate things. Give her that space and time. Don't in any regards consider it a rejection until she states she is not interested. If that is the case, let her know you respect her decision and will cease to pursue a relationship, but value her friendship greatly. Don't talk to her about "signs and signals" it will cause her to become defensive and don't put yourself down for trying, it will make you look insecure and unstable. women prefer men of confidence, action and a healthy respect of boundaries. The quieter you handle it, the more maturity you show. Hope this was helpful.

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